Live it NOW

Live it now

If you postpone your joys until later, the opportunities to
experience those joys will grow fewer and fewer. If you put
off dealing with the problems until later, they will become
much more difficult to get beyond.

Choose instead to live life as it comes. Diligently, and
without complaints, work through each difficulty as it comes
along, and enthusiastically live the opportunities for joy
as they appear.

Your world is filled with abundance. And in order to
transform that abundance into meaningful value, you must
make good use of it as it arrives.

Each moment gives you the opportunity to add richness to
your life. Each day brings you new ways to express the
unique beauty of who you are.

Live that richness and express that beauty not in some
distant, imagined someday. Live it now.

Your life is here today, filled with all kinds of great
possibilities for joy and achievement. Get up, get going,
and live it now.

Ralph Marston

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