

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Worthless excuses

If you feel the need to make an excuse, see it as a very
clear indication that something is wrong. Instead of
offering excuses, take the opportunity to make improvements.

Excuses don’t solve problems, and excuses don’t get the job
done. Rather than working to craft a good excuse, your best
option is to work on making things right.

Excuses are easy, and worth very little. Purposeful,
focused, persistent effort is what will really make a

Don’t be concerned with merely saving face. Get to work on
getting the job done.

Sure, the challenges you face are real and noteworthy. Yet
the truly important thing is working through those
challenges and creating the value you’ve committed yourself
to create.

See the situation not as a reason to make an excuse, but as
your chance to make a difference. Forget the excuses, and
focus on living life’s great opportunities.

Ralph Marston

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