Let Go of Need!

Let go of need

Let go of need

Don’t let what you need get in the way of enjoying and
expanding upon all the goodness you have. Each need is a
burden, and most of them can be let go.

Chasing what you think you need takes precious time and
resources away from living the beauty that is already yours.
Imagine being free to truly be you.

Yes, you have obligations to your health, your family, your
community and your world, and fulfilling those obligations
is an essential part of your life. Yet apart from those true
obligations are many needs and attachments that only serve
to hold you back.

It’s not the acquiring or possessing or experiencing that
brings you down and holds you back. It’s the need to
acquire, to possess, or to experience that becomes so
burdensome to you.

Make the intentional choice to live your purpose instead of
living with the constant need for this or that. It’s a
change in perspective that can free you to experience life
at higher and higher levels.

Let go of the need to do or to have, and simply enjoy the
doing and the having. Go beyond your needs, and let life’s
great abundance be your abundance too.

Ralph Marston

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