Tough Times

Tough times

Every setback is also an opportunity to recover. Every challenge is also a chance to become stronger.

You’ve been successfully dealing with difficult, unexpected developments your whole life. It’s a skill you’ll continue to improve upon, and one that always serves you well.

The path forward is never perfectly straight and unhindered. Its twists and turns give life richness, novelty, and unique character.

Your life has value precisely because it comes at a cost. Each day, each new situation, enables you to bear the cost and add to the value.

You’ve encountered doubts, fears, and challenges before, and successfully worked your way through them. When you come upon them again, remember how effectively you can do what you do.

In the tough times of life are the seeds of its great beauty, joy and fulfillment. Nourish those seeds well, and reap the rewards that surely will come.

— Ralph Marston

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