Envision, imagine, dream, love

Friday, April 24, 2020

Envision, imagine, dream, love

The value of a vision does not depend on how practical it is. The value of a vision is in how meaningful it is.

The value of a story is not in how factual it is. The value of a story is in how inspiring it is.

The value of a dream is not in whether you achieve it or not. The value of a dream is in the person you become, the life you live, in pursuit of that dream.

It’s fine that your dream is impossible, as long as it is compelling. It’s perfectly okay that your story gets the facts wrong, as long as you get the truth right.

Within you, there are no rules, no constraints on what you can imagine, and feel, and love. No limits exist on the magnificent castles you can build with such freedom.

The richness you nurture within, also finds its way out into your life, into your world. Envision, imagine, dream, love, without restraint, and be stronger, inspired, and highly motivated in everything you do.

— Ralph Marston

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