Monthly Archives: April 2020

Take Baby Steps

THE DAILY MOTIVATORSaturday, April 25, 2020 Long way to go+++++++++++++++++++ You can’t do all that must be done. Yet you can do something. So go ahead, and do something, now, and whenever you can. Don’t let the overwhelming nature of … Continue reading

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Envision, imagine, dream, love

THE DAILY MOTIVATORFriday, April 24, 2020 Envision, imagine, dream, love+++++++++++++++++++ The value of a vision does not depend on how practical it is. The value of a vision is in how meaningful it is. The value of a story is … Continue reading

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Constant adjustments+++++++++++++++++++ No one can accurately predict the future. But anyone can adjust to the present. In fact, those adjustments, made by billions of people, are what end up creating the future. Tomorrow’s situation will never equal today’s situation because … Continue reading

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Everything in stride+++++++++++++++++++ Life will not unfold exactly the way you’d like it to. Of that you can be certain, no matter how much care and effort you put into arranging your affairs. But that doesn’t mean you must be … Continue reading

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