Kindness Changes Everything

Living values

Thinking a kind thought is admirable. Offering a kind word at an opportune moment is better, and acting on your kindness, even more so.

It’s a nice gesture to express your love. Yet it can be life-changing to put your love into practice.

Your most treasured values aren’t just for talking about. They’re for living on a day-to-day basis.

It can be easy to become resentful about people who don’t share your values. But whenever you feel such resentment take it as a cue to ask yourself, what specific actions are you taking to share those values?

As demanding as it can be, living your values produces a very good feeling. Because your efforts are resonating with the truth of who you are.

With the way you live each moment, generously extend your best values far beyond you. Serve as a constant conduit for authentic goodness, allowing it to grow more abundant.

— Ralph Marston

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Now is enough

Now is enough

What you require for now is what you have. Where you must be in this moment is where you are.

Allow right now to be enough. Let go of any wishes that things had been different.

Invest all your thoughts and energy into making the best of the reality that is. Be here, be now, accept all that exists in this moment, and go to work with it.

Rather than disparage what you cannot change, take action on all you’re able to improve. Now is when you can make a difference by embracing it honestly and fully.

Now is enough, you are enough, what you know, what you have, what you’ve experienced, what you feel, are enough. They are all enough for you to move positively and successfully forward.

You have now, and now is filled with all the potential you could ever imagine. Put it to work, now.

— Ralph Marston

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Power to Adapt

Power to adapt

All sorts of factors in your life and in your world keep changing from day to day, moment to moment. That can be a big problem for you, or it can be a great opportunity.

You have the power to adapt to changing conditions. Make use of that power, and get the inevitable changes to work in your favor.

A few hours from now, or next week, or the entire future, they’re all moving targets. The most carefully laid plans can become useless and outdated overnight.

Yet that’s no reason to give up on your goals. On the contrary, it’s an opportunity to deploy your power to adapt.

It might actually be that a changing situation offers even better possibilities than what existed before. Position yourself to fulfill the best of those possibilities by adapting to the changes.

When your world changes, you could become immobilized with worry, you could waste time and energy complaining, or you can adapt. Let your power to adapt kick in, and be your best in an ever-changing world.

— Ralph Marston

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Say You Will

Say you will

Intention shines a light on specific possibilities and opportunities. Express a particular intention, and you begin to find your way toward its fulfillment.

Intention gathers your willingness and aims it all in the same direction. Intention energizes your skills and capabilities.

Say you will, and mean it. Say you will, with seriousness and conviction, and you’re on your way to getting it done.

Say you will, then begin right away to follow through. Express your intention with so much certainty and commitment that you’re compelled by your own determination to keep it alive.

Transform your scattered dreams, preferences, and wishes into solid intentions. Decide what you will indeed do, and put the whole of yourself behind that decision.

Say you will, then do more than just saying it. Make your intention, then make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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