Live the Peace

Live the peace

Step away from the noise and the drama. Take a deep, refreshing breath, and allow peace to fill your awareness.

Much of what you’re normally forced to notice is not really worth your notice. Calmly consider the beautiful truth of who you are and the good things you can do.

Remind yourself of the people, the places, the ideas and pursuits you love. Resonate with the authentic goodness of the moment you’re in and the existence you inhabit.

Settle into a level of being where all is truly well. Give yourself the experience of being able to linger there, with no need to rush away.

Live the peace you’re always capable of experiencing. Let it strengthen you and inspire you to handle whatever may come your way.

Live the peace, and accept from it a refreshed perspective. Take all the truth you find there, and carry it bravely forward.

— Ralph Marston

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The Real Thing

The real thing

The imitation is cheaper, quicker, very convenient. And that’s why the real thing is infinitely more satisfying.

An experience that demands nothing from you cannot convey anything worthwhile to you. Satisfaction does not reside in what you get unless it is rooted in what you give.

You might feel clever when you can check off the box without going to any trouble. The thing is, all you end up with is a checked-off box.

The point of doing anything is not just so you can take a selfie and say you’ve done it. What enriches your life is the commitment of your thoughts, your focus, your time, energy, and effort.

Respect yourself, your heritage, your possibilities and capabilities by insisting on the real thing. Anything less is nothing much.

You are a miraculous instantiation of the real thing. Refuse to settle for anything else.

— Ralph Marston

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Life does go on

Life does go on

A season ago, quite a few things were different in your life, and in the world at large. A season hence, will be more developments you never could have anticipated.

Through it all, life goes on. And it’s helpful to keep that in mind.

When a notable change comes along, it can easily overwhelm your sense of past and present. But after a while that change gets put into a more realistic perspective, just as everything else has been.

Sometimes the quick pace of change can make you feel like life as you know it is being forever upended. Yet life does go on, and you do adjust, and what mattered before still matters just as much.

As riveting as today might be, tomorrow will arrive right on schedule. When it does, you’ll thank yourself for being soberly and adequately prepared.

Give plenty of attention and effort to the moment you’re in, but not at the expense of the moments to come. Because life does go on, and much of its richness is yet to appear.

— Ralph Marston

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Patience to be

Patience to be

Have the patience to be. Let yourself experience yourself as you are, in the world as it is.

There are numerous improvements you can make. Yet there exists even more goodness that currently is.

Go deep into the existence that already envelops you. Appreciate the now that encompasses so much life and value and substance.

Relax the stiffness in your jaw, and let go of the constant thought that you have to be somewhere. For you are somewhere, and it is well worth the entirety of your attention.

Allow yourself the satisfying wholeness of being. Stop needing and seeking long enough for a healing dose of life’s magnificence to settle upon your soul.

Gift your life and your world with a little bit of pure patience. Discover again how beautiful it is just to be.

— Ralph Marston

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