Just Do-It

Go out and do

Life’s energy does not come from talking, wishing, speculating about life’s energy. Life gains its energy from action.

Get up, get active, go out and do. If your muscles do not ache at the end of the day, you have neglected many opportunities for richness.

Connect with the reality of hot and cold, of soft and hard, of distance, depth, and steepness. Challenge yourself to navigate through the rugged terrain of what is true and solid, nourishing and fulfilling.

You are capable of so much more than merely absorbing comfort and pleasant entertainment. Choose to be an active participant in the wonder of existence.

Feel your strength increasing as you negotiate the difficult trade-offs. Act to create rich experiences that add lasting value to your life.

Honor and fulfill the potential that’s been coming your way since before you were born. Go out and do all the good you can do in this real and beautiful world.

— Ralph Marston

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Genuine Understanding

Genuine understanding

You have your own perspective, and it is well-informed and valuable. Yet you do not know it all, and it’s a good idea to avoid the assumption that you do.

Other people may often frustrate and annoy you, and you may wonder how they could be so ignorant, immature, misinformed or whatever. But you only see a very small part of their perspective, and cannot possibly know everything that goes into their decisions.

Being overly judgmental rarely does anyone any good. Look for opportunities to replace judgment with empathy and understanding.

Do all you can to live and act with excellence, and expect excellence from others. When people fail to live up to your expectations, find ways to offer help rather than to cause hurt.

Seek to understand, and to encourage genuine understanding in others. Let go of the need to lecture and to rant, so you can spend more of your precious life in a positive state.

Make connections instead of judgments. And make the best of every situation and of every person you encounter.

— Ralph Marston

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What Life Brings

What life brings

When you notice particular weakness in another person, let that prompt you to correct any similar weakness in yourself. When you perceive certain strength in someone else, be inspired to increase that same strength in your own life.

Learn from the triumphs and mistakes you observe in the people around you. Attune yourself to what causes life to be good, fulfilling, and impactful in a positive way.

Your will can wake up valuable abilities and bring them to the surface. Feed that will with experience, purpose and intention.

Allow your spirit to be nurtured and encouraged by all you know, whatever the source, whatever the flavor. Choose to find within every occurrence inducements to grow in strength.

Take in the entirety of what life brings. Gather and direct the diverse energy, then point it in a meaningful and consistent direction.

In quiet times and loud, in struggle and comfort, embrace the moment you’ve been accorded. Then proceed to give new value to life in your own unique way.

— Ralph Marston

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Go to work

Go to work

Some occurrences you pretty much expect, or even intentionally work to make happen. Others take you completely by surprise.

Yet whether today’s turn of events was intentional or not, there’s something good and useful you can do in response. Rather than smugly celebrating what’s happened or retreating in fear from it, go to work.

What’s happened has happened, reality is what it is. And the situation has changed from what it was just a little while ago.

Possibilities have popped freshly into existence. What you wisely assumed yesterday to be true, may not be the case at all today.

Open your eyes, open your mind, observe, consider. Look at what has changed, what has not, and why.

See the very real potential for value that’s just been exposed to the light of day. Envision specific, beneficial, meaningful progress you can create with it, and go to work.

— Ralph Marston

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