The Miracle that you are

Miracle of meaning

In a universe with infinite potential for chaos, there is order, there is beauty, there is love. It cannot be anything less than a miracle, and that miracle lives deeply within who you are.

The miracle has become so thoroughly ingrained, so widely expressed, that you rarely even think about it. But you wouldn’t want to be and you couldn’t stand to be without it.

In a realm that seems random there is meaning. You can see its light shine through the deepest darkness.

When you stray too far from the miracle of meaning, life quickly falls apart. What once worked flawlessly no longer functions, what you once understood becomes mired in confusion.

Yet the moment you immerse yourself in the truth of who you are, you reclaim the power that was there before the beginning. Love asserts its infinite generosity, hope emerges, and life rises to an even higher level of excellence.

What you seek will never be found in any scheme or place or thing. For what you seek is who you are, the miracle of meaning that is always there.

— Ralph Marston

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