The Power of Why!


Follow your why

If you see it as something you merely should do, you’ll
resent it. Yet when you know it is something you must do,
you’ll find a way to get it done.

If you feel that the task has been imposed on you by some
outside influence, you’ll find ways to avoid it. Yet when
you understand how the task is connected to your true
purpose, you’ll find a way to get it done as quickly and
effectively as possible.

Knowing why is not merely an interesting bit of information.
It is everything.

If you don’t know why, you’re wasting your precious time.
When you are clear about why, when what you’re doing truly
matters, you’re on the path to creating the best life you
can imagine.

If you’re complaining and resisting, delaying and making
excuses, you’re not following your why. You can be
infinitely more enthusiastic and effective simply by
connecting your actions to your purpose.

Choose to intentionally and persistently follow your why.
And truly fulfill the unique, magnificent possibility that
is your life.

Ralph Marston

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