



Monday, April 8, 2013


Don’t limit yourself by what has already been done. You can
do so very much more.

Don’t get too caught up in making judgments about what might
or might not work. Put your authentic effort and creativity
out there, and you’ll find out soon enough what works and
what doesn’t.

Safely following the crowd is not the strategy of a leader.
The way to achieve what’s never been achieved is to do
what’s never been done.

You are not a job title or a demographic data point or a
technique or a college degree. You are a brilliant, shining,
powerful focal point of life itself.

You are a genuine, one-of-a-kind original. So think like it,
act like it, feel like it and live like it.

In this brand new moment bring a brand new, beautiful world
into existence. Make it outstanding, make it an original,
and make it your very best.

Ralph Marston

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