Choose Positive

Choose positive

It’s nearly impossible to change someone else’s attitude. It’s surprisingly easy to change your own.

A negative perspective will waste your time, blunt your effectiveness, ruin your day. Fortunately, you can get rid of it the moment you decide to do so.

Stop looking backward at the unfortunate, undesirable things that may have happened. Start looking forward to a future that’s open and available for you to influence.

You don’t have to automatically let the frustrating circumstances frustrate you. Decide instead to be amused by them.

Smile at the troubles, thankful that you’re able to recognize them and deal with them. Enjoy the fact that you’re alive and experiencing whatever you are experiencing.

Being positive is just as reasonable, just as accessible as being negative. Choose positive, and choose a more enjoyable journey to a much more favorable destination.

— Ralph Marston

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