Letting Go

Letting go

Some of the actions you take, some of the thoughts you think, have not been helpful to you. Are there any of those thoughts, any actions, you can let go of forever, right now?

Life is a series of choices, and your choices play a major role in the quality of your experience. Are there any choices you can improve upon going forward from this day?

You swim each moment in a vast sea of possibilities. Yet you must swim in a specific, consistent direction or those possibilities have no value.

You must choose a few things over all the other things. Making progress involves letting go of whatever hinders that progress.

Habits and comforts feel good and reassuring, yet they can block you off from a rich and fulfilling life. By selectively letting go of what holds you back you free yourself to move forward.

Don’t burden yourself with anything that has no real meaning or purpose. Let go, lighten your load, and make more space, give more time, to all that truly matters.

— Ralph Marston

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