View From the Mountain top

View from the mountaintop

You cannot have every sensation all the time. You cannot have every pleasure, comfort, indulgence all the time.

Yes, increasingly such things are possible. But just because something is possible doesn’t mean it is desirable.

The enjoyable times are enjoyable because you have gone through the less enjoyable, more difficult times to get there. If all you ever experienced was enjoyment, it would quickly cease to be enjoyable.

You have to pay the price or you cannot possibly experience the full benefit of the reward. You have to do the work, make the sacrifices, invest yourself to create an outcome that has meaning for you.

By definition, the exceptional moments are exceptional because they are rare. If you expect them all the time, and especially if you somehow manage to get that, you’ll be miserable.

Give yourself the ability to truly enjoy the feast by not feasting all the time. The view from the mountaintop is most meaningful when you’re familiar with all that’s in the valley.

— Ralph Marston

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