Honest with yourself

Honest with yourself

Accept nothing less than complete honesty from yourself. You deserve it from yourself, and you owe it to yourself.

When you seek to deceive yourself, your effort fails on both sides of the transaction. As deceiver and as deceived, you end up with nothing of any value.

Let yourself know what you need to know, to see what is there to see. Allow yourself to feel what you must feel.

As difficult as it may be to deal with truth, it’s better than the alternative. Choose to build your strength in truth rather than watching it be chipped away by falsehood.

Do not treat lightly the wisdom you’ve spent your life accumulating. Listen to it, consider it, act on it, with respect and gratitude.

Be honest with those who trust you, who depend on you, who have given so much to you, who matter to you. That includes, especially, yourself.

— Ralph Marston

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