What matters is what you do

What matters is what you do

To change the quality of your life, you must change what you do. There is no other way.

Improvement does not come neatly wrapped in a package that’s been put together by someone else. It comes from what you do, consistently, persistently, morning, afternoon, and evening.

What habits are you willing to work to get rid of? What habits are you ready to spend time to establish?

Goals, promises, plans, and intentions can all be very impressive and compelling. What matters is what you do, right now, and in an hour, and tomorrow morning, and next week.

You have what it takes to make your life whatever you want it to be. You just have to do the work, and it has to come from you.

Challenge yourself to string together a half dozen days of purposeful, focused, and persistent effort. Feel the momentum, see all the good you can do, keep on going and never stop.

— Ralph Marston

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