Set your mind to it

Set your mind to it

Set your mind to it. Keep it set there until you have it done.

Focus your awareness on the job at hand. Re-direct the energy of all distractions, interruptions, and random thoughts toward what you have chosen to accomplish.

There are plenty of excuses for stopping, or pausing, or giving up. Decide in advance to have nothing to do with those excuses.

You have made your choice and now you can follow through with that choice. You are doing important work and you have every ability and intention of continuing until the work is done well.

There’s no need to be concerned with whether it’s easy or difficult or pleasant or uncomfortable. You’re doing just fine, and you can continue for as long as necessary.

Set your mind to it, and get it done. Experience for yourself what an amazing and useful difference you can make, just by deciding to do so.

— Ralph Marston

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