Stretch Yourself

Stretch yourself

You’ll thank yourself if you regularly stretch yourself. You’ll appreciate the new strength you develop by willingly taking on challenges.

It’s temptingly comfortable to stay where you are and continue doing what you’re used to doing. Don’t let that comfort become a prison.

The world at your feet stretches far beyond the horizon. Venture away from what you already know, and discover how much more you can be.

It’s good to have the confidence that comes from knowing what to expect. What’s even better is to expand that confidence by encountering situations you don’t expect.

Experience how far your capabilities can take you. Gain new understanding of the world, the people, the ideas, customs and circumstances around you.

Give yourself a healthy dose of fresh energy and inspiration. Seek today to stretch yourself, and feel more of the curiosity and competence that have always been yours.

— Ralph Marston

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