Life’s real adventure

Life’s real adventure

How many more memes do you need to look at? How many more feeds do you need to scroll through?

How many more pundits do you need to hear saying exactly what you expect them to say? How many more incidents of sensational, shocking behavior do you need to read about?

Imagine something completely different than all that. Imagine the unparalleled satisfaction of focusing your thoughts upon a single, engaging subject for a couple of hours, or months.

Rather than being pushed along through someone else’s narrative, consider forging your own trail toward truth and original insight. Instead of listening endlessly to what is chosen by a distant algorithm, listen at length to what resonates with your spirit.

There has never been more adventure available to anyone than the adventure available to you right now. Do the work to envision and to follow life’s real adventure, and savor the deep fulfillment it brings.

Life’s real adventure cannot be prepackaged in a warehouse or stitched together at a data center. It comes when you commit yourself to truth, purpose, value, and effort, and it’s a magnificent thing to experience.

— Ralph Marston

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