Emerge from your comfort

Emerge from your comfort

Make yourself comfortable and enjoy it for a while. Then get yourself away from the comfort.

Reward yourself with comfortable, expected experiences. Then get out into life, into the unknown, into the uncomfortable, and earn even more rewards.

It’s powerful to know you can come back to a comfortable, secure, predictable place. But as soon as the comfort starts to become complacency, you’ve had more than enough.

In a state of comfort, you have potential opportunities for improvement. If you’re moving along at a pace that’s comfortable, for example, you have the chance to pick up the pace and lengthen your stride for a few miles.

When you find yourself getting too comfortable, let that prompt you to consider the possibilities for your next adventure, your next advancement. When you’re confident that you know what to expect, you’re able to aim that confidence in new and unexpected directions.

Life is a continuing process of renewal, and effective renewal necessarily involves some challenge. Choose to regularly emerge from your comfort, to face new challenges, and reap the many benefits of doing so.

— Ralph Marston

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Curate your activities

Curate your activities

Over time, harmful and pointless habits can creep into the way you live your life. When you’re able to recognize and replace them, those habits represent major opportunities for improvement.

Make room for more good and useful activities by letting go of the useless, negative pursuits. Identify a waste of your time that you could easily do without and challenge yourself to replace it.

Zero in on a replacement you can look forward to and get enthusiastic about. Offer yourself a genuine and desirable reward for making better use of your time, energy, and resources.

Improve your results by improving your choices. Add richness to your life by being positive and proactive about what you do with your days.

You have an excellent, innate understanding of what serves you best and what doesn’t. So apply that understanding, let it guide your choices and inspire your actions.

Trade in tired, fruitless habits for energizing, enriching ones. Carefully curate your activities and optimize the value they bring to life.

— Ralph Marston

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Journey Around the Sun

Journey around the sun

You’ve circled around the sun once more, along with everyone else. Consider what you’ve learned, experienced, discovered, abandoned.

Now brings a new chance to make good use of all you’ve been through. Everything that’s accrued to your unique existence, you can re-focus toward meaningful purpose.

Give yourself some time to feel how you feel, to care about what you care about. Remind yourself of all that makes life actually and potentially good.

On this waypoint in your journey, you have the power of choice over your thoughts, actions, perspectives, and priorities. That power has brought, and will continue to bring, value, beauty, richness and fulfillment to your world.

This is a day to acknowledge what you and the good people surrounding you have accomplished, as flawed as it might be. This is a day you can be inspired to do even better as the hours and weeks and years roll steadily ahead.

— Ralph Marston

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Value in every direction

Value in every direction

You can find value in every direction, in every place and time. Let yourself be inspired by the value, and in that state of inspiration, expand it.

Perhaps what you once dismissed, you can consider now with thoughts more nuanced and a spirit more generous. Maybe what you’ve always ignored, you could offer a few moments of attention.

Life is often what you expect, but not always. Refresh your soul by being pleasantly surprised.

In some forgotten corner there’s a little bit of treasure for you to enjoy. Buried in what you thought you already knew is a discovery so wonderful it can take your breath away.

Possibilities hide in the limitations. Challenges give birth to opportunities.

Open yourself a little wider and let in some more of life’s value. Where you’ve neglected to look you might uncover exactly what you need to see.

— Ralph Marston

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